internet society
Internet Society

(ISOC) A non-profit, professional membership
organisation which facilitates and supports the technical
evolution of the Internet, stimulates interest in and
educates the scientific and academic communities, industry and
the public about the technology, uses and applications of the
Internet, and promotes the development of new applications for
the system. The Society provides a forum for discussion and
collaboration in the operation and use of the global Internet

The Internet Society publishes a quarterly newsletter, the
Internet Society News, and holds an annual conference, INET.
The development of Internet technical standards takes place
under the auspices of the Internet Society with substantial
support from the {Corporation for National Research
Initiatives} under a cooperative agreement with the US Federal


podobné slovodefinícia
internet society
Internet Society

(ISOC) A non-profit, professional membership
organisation which facilitates and supports the technical
evolution of the Internet, stimulates interest in and
educates the scientific and academic communities, industry and
the public about the technology, uses and applications of the
Internet, and promotes the development of new applications for
the system. The Society provides a forum for discussion and
collaboration in the operation and use of the global Internet

The Internet Society publishes a quarterly newsletter, the
Internet Society News, and holds an annual conference, INET.
The development of Internet technical standards takes place
under the auspices of the Internet Society with substantial
support from the {Corporation for National Research
Initiatives} under a cooperative agreement with the US Federal



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